Tuesday 15 November 2011

#97: Mt. Rushmore

If you were to develop a Mt. Rushmore representing the 20th century, whose faces would you select and why? (William and Mary)
The 20th century was the most active period in history (at least according to me). This period is full of iconic figures from all over the world. The events of this period are also numerous, with World War I and WWII, the Cold War, the Apartheid, the control of Communism and so many other major events. The influential figures of the 20th century are a long list, but the chosen people would be Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, and Agatha Christie. There are actually four faces on Mt. Rushmore, but each of these five people have made and impact in their own fields, thus none of these should be eliminated.
Adolf Hitler is most probably the most famous dictator in history. A major individual in World War II, Hitler changed the world, directly and indirectly. The instigator of WWII, Hitler impacted the major superpowers of the 20th century and involved them in a war that changed many of these countries. Great Britain and France lost their wealth during this war. America became stronger and richer from the war expenses (they supplied most of the weapons). USSR became stronger because of its alliance with the winning side. Hitler also started the Holocaust, an event that killed more than 10 million people. World War I took lives of soldiers living all the way in Africa and Asia too, as they fought for the countries that had colonized them. Hitler was essential in the course of history.
Albert Einstein brought us the equation e=m(part of the theory of relativity), the atomic bomb, the theory of relativity, and many other concepts and ideas that contributed to science as it is today. His invention played a big part in wars, and his ideas and theories are applied in science and math often.
In the field of language and literature, Agatha Christie would most probably be one of the most famous. A writer during the 20th century, she wrote numerous books that have been translated into more than 100 languages. The genre of her books also make her a great writer (opinion might be biased). Agatha Christie was a popular female author that wrote in a genre that wasn’t very common.
Charlie Chaplin was one of the most famous comedians of the 20th century. His movies, his costume, and his iconic toothbrush moustache are all widely known from Asia all the way to North America. His movies are classics that have entertained people during times of depression and troubles. Chaplin was one of the greatest symbols the film and entertainment industry during the 20th century.
One of the most influential characters of the 20th and the 21st century, Mahatma Gandhi promoted ideas that during the 20th century were rare. He was a pacifist who brought the concepts of ahimsa and satyagraha, or non-violence and non-violent resistance. He showed the world that it was possible to get your point across without killing and taking revenge on the enemy or opposition. His influence spread to other great leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.
The representation of the 20th century can be done effectively if the chosen figures can relate to a large group of people. This compilation of important people represent groups of people from quite a few regions of the world and connect to people whose interests lie in many areas, for example, science, math, and literature.
This version of Mount Rushmore shows the diversity during the 20th century, and this diversity makes these people the ideal representations of the 20th century. 

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