Wednesday 23 November 2011

#140: Second Grade

Write about a time you found something you weren’t looking for. (U of Chicago)

I just took my sticker book of my shelf because I wanted to describe it for you. It's a bright pink colour, and it has "Mickey and Minnie" written on the front. I've had this sticker album since 2nd grade. I actually shared it with my best friend (who is still my best friend). I found the album last year, as I was packing again. I was actually trying to remove everything from my trunks so I could repack everything. I found many old things, and I found this sticker album. I wasn't looking for it. In fact, I had forgotten that I ever possessed such a thing. 

I opened the first page. It has Hello Kitty stickers. Ugly Hello Kitty stickers. They're bright and shiny and very optical illusiony. I can't believe we ever had such hideous stickers, but I guess we were different back then. The next pages had stickers that looked like Sailor Moon characters. They also look kind of like those Amazonian women we see in TV shows. The next five pages were filled with the same silvery, shiny Mickey Mouse stickers. Mickey Mouse with a surfboard. Mickey Mouse with dark glasses. Mickey Mouse blowing an orange bubble. Mickey Mouse jumping with Minnie Mouse. We really were obsessed with Mickey Mouse when we were young. After Mickey Mouse, there were square-shaped stickers with different bears and different things written on it. There's one of a white bear saying, "Let's Party!" There's one of two brown bears with "Yippee!" written on them. There's one of two pink bears that says, "You and I..." Looking at these stickers reminded me of second grade, when we HAD to write back home every Sunday. I remember taking these stickers out of my letter pad collection and sticking them in the album. I didn't really use them before. They didn't stick very well either. After looking through the whole album, I decided to keep it with me next semester. That's the reason why I had it on my shelf. We (my best friend and I), added more stickers to it. 

Now we have smiley faces with weird sunglasses, rainbow colored animals, Chicken Little, Chip and Dale, and Lilo and Stitch stickers. I'm not sure if our taste in stickers became worse as we grew older. The album's full now (it didn't have many pages to begin with), and I don't really need it anymore. Maybe, I'll keep it back in my trunk so that a few years later, I can rediscover it while I'm looking for something else. 

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