Thursday 17 November 2011

#181: Yes to College-level courses

Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? Explain why or why not.

Prison inmates should be allowed to take college courses. It is not very helpful to allow prison inmates in prison for the rest of their lives to take college courses, but the ones leaving should be. Countries all around the world want a better economy and a higher number of educated people. The world is struggling with growing rates of unemployment, especially people at lower or more menial jobs. At this point, the last thing the world needs are people with a very rudimentary level of education who after getting released from prison, can't find any jobs. 

People who have a higher level of education are generally more likely to find jobs. If all these prisoners are released with barely any college-level education, they are most probably not going to get jobs that require degrees and higher education. Even if these prisoners were to not get jobs after taking college courses, they would still have enough education to start their own businesses and become entrepreneurs. With jobs and earnings, prisoners would be able to live reasonably stable lives.

Many criminal acts are carried as a last resort to a specific problem. For inmates to be released, it would mean that murder was the unlikely crime. This narrows down the crimes to stealing, robbing, etc. Many of the crimes in this category are to do with taking other's things, which is most likely due to the fact that these people do not have the same resources (unless they're kleptomaniacs who can't stop stealing). If such prisoners have a jobs and a stable income, they could build a life which has the basic necessities, and these people would not turn towards desperate  
acts of thievery, etc. due to their needs. 

This would keep most prisoners away from crime. It would allow these people to live reasonably good lives. It would decrease unemployment rates. Governments wouldn't have to spend money on unemployed people anymore. Allowing prison inmates to study college-level courses could change the lives of "criminals" (they might not all be criminals), and it could change our world, little by little. 

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