Friday 18 November 2011

#183: Good parent

Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.

If I was a parent, I think I'd be the perfect parent, with perfect being according to my standards. The most exciting part of being this good parent would be teaching my child/children things that aren't on the same track as our society. Being young myself, I think I'd be able to understand how they think, and the reasons for everything they do. I've learnt that there is a certain limit to what we do. If these children were taught the limits to their actions, they would know not to go beyond it without me being a mean and annoying parent. 
I've realized that parents can't force their children to study. Forcing a child to study makes it less likely that they would listen to you. If you want your child to study, you create an environment that encourages learning without pushing these children. For example, rather than throwing books and textbooks on a child, just bring them up in an environment with lots and lots of books. They might just learn on their own without being told. 
Parents tend to talk a lot, and not listen much. I can listen, and I listening to people when they talk about things. Children tend to keep to themselves when they feel that no one cares about what they think and the problems they have. Listening helps them open up and be themselves. I would listen, and I really like giving advice, so it would be fun listening to a child's problem and trying to help them. I also find some of their "problems" and stories funny, so I'd be getting a good laugh out of it too!
Some children are disobedient regardless of how you try to help them nicely. I can be harsh and very serious sometimes. Sometimes, scaring a person helps them obey, but I won't be intimidating my child every second of their life. Intimidation and sternness is only for when these children are being annoying and extremely hard to deal with using normal methods. 
There are some beliefs I have that could qualify me as a good parent. A good parent tries to teach their child the right thing with a reasonable amount of freedom. I believe that everyone needs some personal space, so I won't be stifling my children with my constant presence. I also believe in causes such as preventing global warming, deforestation, and other environmental issues. I think a good parent will teach his or her child about personal values as well as more global issues. The degradation is a global issue. A good parent child will teach their child about global issues to at least some extent. 
I also have a pretty good sense of morality. Actually, my moral values and principles are ones that I've learnt from my family and the teachings of good leaders, so I can rely on my virtues to be intact and really, really good (that's what I think). As a parent, I will be able to teach morals and virtues that would make my child a good global citizen and a great person. If my child is a good child, I'm a good parent. (I don't plan to be a bad parent who motivates my child to live a life different from mine.)
If I actually had children, not now, but in the future (far, far in the future), I think I would most probably want to have had these children. To be a good parent, you have to care enough to make an effort. I'd want these children, and that would motivate me to be a good parent to them. In the end, I think my feelings for these children would make me a good parent, and I know I'd care for them. 

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