Friday 11 November 2011

#55: Roommates

Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.

I had the same roommate for the whole of last year. The rooming wasn't assigned: I chose her. We actually chose each other. We were already friends before last year, but we got closer when we were roommates. I study in a school which everyone calls a bubble. Most people here live their daily lives, thinking about themselves with no care for anything outside our little "bubble". I lived that way too, before I became her roommate. My world was basically school, and the only people I thought about were the people in this society. I believed in the same things as everyone around me, I did the same things as most people, and my priorities in life didn't extend too far. 
My ex-roommate was to an extent, very different from me, and very different from everyone else. I guess that is why I feel like our relationship was important. It was different from my relationship with my other friends. We talked about different things. Everything we talked about changed my mindset, little by little. Even the things we did were different. We made mouse traps, stayed up watching movies every weekend, changed the setting of the furniture in our room regardless how limited our space was. We went on the swings after school, made little pictures and posters for each other. I got to do things that most of my other friends do not like to do at all.
She opened me up to a lot of things. I read books that I thought I wouldn't like before, I ate foods that I had never had before, and I was thinking about things that I never cared about before.
What I thought was important before wasn't anymore. My conversations got me thinking about my future and my present. I thought about the kind of person I wanted to be when I grew up. What I wanted to do in the future. My goals didn't change, but the reasons why I wanted to accomplish them did. 
My roommate had a big influence, though I doubt she knows that. I've never told her how much she taught me, and the impact she had on me. I'm glad I chose to room with her for a whole year, and I'm glad I got to know her so well. Our relationship was, and still is important to me. She has gone some place else and she's not here anymore, but I hope that she'll have the same effect on someone else, just like the one she had on me. 

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