Sunday 6 November 2011

#32: People

Sartre said, "Hell is other people," while Streisand sang, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." With whom do you agree? (Amherst)

People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. At one point or another, we all try to convince ourselves that we don't need other people. We think that needing people is considered weak, and being overly dependent on others. That's not it at all. Most of the time, people need other people to not feel lonely, and loneliness is something we can't prevent most of the time. Yes, everyone needs some time alone to think, but being alone over a long period of time can be unbearable and depressing . We don't want to feel lonely and we don't want to need other people, but it's just human nature. We can't stop these feelings, because being with someone also means being happy in some cases. Happiness can be found in a lot of things, but it is most often found when we're in the presence of others. Depriving ourselves of a social life means depriving ourselves of happiness. It can't be helped. We need people. If not for happiness, at least for knowledge and learning. Our world is connected so densely, through the internet, social networking sites, newspapers, and so many other resources. This connection has allowed so many of us to learn from, and teach others. Learning would be impossible without people. As Euripedes once said, "The same men cannot be skilled in everything, each has his special excellence." This is true, because if it were not, we wouldn't need to work with other people or even work under people. One person cannot know everything, but if a group of people were to depend upon the knowledge of their colleagues or friends, they could know almost everything they need to know. It would be a totally different case if everyone knew everything, and we wouldn't need specialized jobs at all. Life wouldn't be like it is today if we didn't need each other. 

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