Saturday 26 November 2011

#129: Fifth Grade

How did you get caught? (Or not caught, as the case may be. (U of Chicago)

I was in fifth grade when I got caught. We had to go to sleep very early, and most of the time, we couldn't. After lights out, I would either read or play some game with my best friend. My best friend has done the weirdest things after lights out. Scaring me with a fake spider and making her own shampoo (by mixing in many, many different things) are just a few. 
It was after lights out and I was bored. I remember watching the floor for almost five minutes. I was that bored. I didn't want to stay in bed anymore if I wasn't going to go to sleep, so I went to my best friend's room. Not surprisingly, she was awake too, and she seemed very bored, so I went to her and we sat in her bed, talking. Talking got boring after a few minutes, and we decided to play a prank. 
I'm sure you've heard of making a person pee when they're sleeping by putting their hands in water. We didn't know whether it was supposed to be cold or hot water, so we went for cold (we couldn't find any hot water anyway). In Edgehill, you sleep in bunk beds. Right below my best friends was a Korean girl who slept a lot. 
We decided to play the trick on her. We got a bowl of cold water and knelt down beside her bed. My best friend tried to make her move so that I could get her hand out from below her blanket. After a few minutes, the Korean girl moved a little and we removed her hand so that it was dangling just above the water.
I held her hand steady as my best friend slowly brought the bowl towards her hand. Just as her fingertips were about to touch the water, she woke up. It was really scary. It wasn't because she was scary, but because she had opened her eyes so suddenly. She gave us a weird look. 
We told her that we saw her hand hanging out of her blanket and that we were trying to put it back in so she wouldn't feel cold. We didn't actually tell her that clearly because we were laughing too much. My best friend quickly hid the bowl behind her as we told her to go back to sleep. 
She did go back to sleep, and we didn't get to try the trick on her, or anyone else for that matter. We got caught, and we didn't want to risk anything. Ironically, just a few weeks ago, I had this great plan to play this same trick on her (after she scared me at midnight with a FAKE spider below my neck). 
I plan to carry out this trick, and I don't think I'm going to get caught this time. (I'm sure I won't. It's THAT good.)
I hope my best friend's reading this. HAHA

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