Tuesday 29 November 2011

#81: Interdependent Global Society

 Optimistic futurists envision a world without boundaries; an interdependent global society. Write about your personal impression of this idea. (College of Notre Dame of Maryland)

The idea of a "world without boundaries" is optimistic, that's for sure. An interdependent global society sounds great too, like barter system. The only problem in a future like this is the fact that this future cannot exist, at least not now. I really, really like the idea, but it seems like this vision can never come true because our world cannot be changed. Our world has boundaries, and is reluctant to help and be depended upon from fear of having a loss. We have countries depending on other countries, and the only thing that seems to be resulting from such dependence is countries being pulled down from their full potential. Take the European Union for example. There are countries such as Ireland and Greece that have huge amounts of debts that are bringing down the other member countries of the EU. Member countries of the EU have to take responsibility for a debt that is not theirs, and everyone is suffering from it, especially Germany. (Germany has unfortunately been paying a LOT since the WWII) 
Mutual interdependence is not possible, at least not now. Our world wants to be anything but interdependent. The societies of our world are more like parasites. We are willing to take from others, but very hesitant and reluctant to give most of the time. If we want a world with no boundaries and an interdependent global society, the only way we can accomplish this future is by starting over. A clean slate. Maybe starting anew will give us an opportunity to build our world on a foundation that is smooth and clear rather than one that is uneven and rugged due to our previous actions.
Mutual interdependence has existing in the past. In the past as in long, long way in the past. If it was possible then, it is possible now. We say that we have evolved and learnt from our mistakes. If we've evolved, we can do what our "less evolved" and "less civilized" ancestors managed to do, we can learn if we've been given examples from all throughout time. 
We might not need a clean slate after all. If we learn and make extreme changes to the ways of the world right now, we'd probably be on our way to a interdependent global society with no boundaries.

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