Sunday 27 November 2011

#149: Delhi

Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

I'm not sure right now. My hometown is this big, dirty and VERY polluted city ( Delhi). I hate pollution. It's also really hot during the summer, and I can't find anything to do, ever. I can't stand the heat either. So, I don't think I want to come back, but my hometown would be the ideal place for me to start what I want to do. 
I've wanted to do something related to the environment. We're having a global crisis, and I feel like my hometown is not so concerned with any of the environmental problems we're having. The people don't seem to care much, and what the government does is not so significant either. I want to make a difference, even if it sounds very cheesy. I want people to know the impact of their actions. I want them to care about the problem just as I do. I'm not very religious, and I'm not a Christian either, but I remember this thing we read in the Bible once. It said, "And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?" (Matthew 7:3) 
This is very relevant to my case. I really, really want to make a change in this world, but I can't change the whole world when the place I come from is in an even worse situation. 
I want to start at home. If I succeed there, then I might go farther. 
As much as I dislike the environment of my hometown, I have to go back. I want to go back. And  I would go back. If the only thing I don't like about my hometown is the environment, I want to change it. That could be the only thing hindering my perspective and opinion of my hometown. I would also go back because I was born in Delhi. You know how they say that the apple never falls far from the tree? It's like that for me. I was born in Delhi, and in the end, I would go back. Truthfully speaking, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't live there permanently after my education, but I want to go back for some time before I move onto some new place.
People say that you might have to take baby steps to reach your goal. I know I will, and I plan to start by going back to my hometown and making my first step there. 

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