Thursday 24 November 2011

#126: Walking down

Describe a daily routine or tradition of yours that may seem ordinary to others but holds special meaning for you. Why is this practice significant to you? (Barnard)

I walk down from school every weekday. I get homework from school every weekday. I also struggle through school almost every weekday. That is why I listen to music on my walk down. I don't like walking with people when I'm going down to dorms unless there are monkeys. The moment the monkeys are gone, I don't need people walking with me anymore, especially people who talk a lot. It might seem very mean, and I may seem very introverted (I am), but it helps me. Walking down from school and listening to music helps me think about everything that has happened to me on that day. I even look at the nature when I'm walking alone. I see bright red leaves and birds that drop leaves all over the path (Lover's Lane).
Most people don't walk down to dorms alone, and they don't always listen to music on their way down. I don't know why people don't try it. It calms you down and it helps you focus on things that are NOT related to school. Many people don't seem to have some time alone. They don't want this time. Being alone, I guess, is something that can happen so often that people don't indulge in it much. In fact, they don't indulge in it at all. Many people can never be alone, and I feel sad for them. 
This routine is very, very important to me. I like doing it, and that's what makes it important. I walk down, listen to music (I listen to the same song for a whole day, like a Song of the Day thing), look around, stop, look around, walk on, go the long way to dorms, stop in front of the tree with branches shaped like a hole, try and throw three rocks in the hole (I miss most of the time), and go up the stairs to the basketball court outside of dorms. I do many things. I do many things that everyone can do. It's fun. I see, play and exercise (I throw rocks throw a hole), and I clear my head. I can't think of what other people would do when their minds are just not right.

Their heads must be very mumble-jumbled. Mine's not. At least it's not after I walk down from school as I listen to music. 

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