Wednesday 16 November 2011

#174: Amazon rainforest

If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?

I would go to the Amazon rainforest. It has always been my dream. It has trouble with deforestation and logging right now, and environmental issues are important to me. I remember telling a teacher this, and they told me that it would be impossible to go alone because I wouldn't survive, so I would go with an experienced team. The Amazon is very diverse, and is known for having many species of animals and plants that haven't been discovered yet, so I would spend time walking around, looking at different plants and keeping my eyes open for animals. I'd actually be looking at bugs and insects, as they exist in large number of species.
We would live on little boats on the river, though it might not be very possible. If we could, the boats would be tied to trees on the bank of the river. Attempting to look for waterfalls like the ones we see in movies like Pocahontas and King Kong, I would walk everyday, almost everywhere. I would have most probably read something on edible plants in the rainforest, and I would try looking for them. If I find them, I'd like to taste them. 
I might even see natives, though that would be very unlikely due to deforestation and relocation of tribes by the government. Even if I did sight any tribes, I'm not sure if it would be a good experience or not. They might be friendly like the ones in most movies, or they might not.
I would have brought a lot of books, so I would read in a safe and quiet place I find anywhere. I'm imagining the sounds would be different, making reading a completely different experience. 
It feels like I'm asking for a lot out of my experience, but it would be so cool if it actually happened.
If I ever get to go there, the real thing might be very, very different, but I hope it goes somewhat along those lines. 

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