Wednesday 7 December 2011

What do you do on a rainy day?

I really like rainy days. There's not really much you can do but stay inside. I like staying inside a lot. There's always so much to do! I like to sit or lie down next to a window and look outside. It's really fun, and with music, you fall asleep really fast! It's hard to watch television because you can hear the rain on the roof and any other sound is drowned out. I like reading on rainy days. It's actually very calming, and you can just alternate between reading and looking out the window.

I don't like studying on rainy days because rainy days are meant for relaxation. Studying is annoying and always takes up so much time! Reading does not count as studying because reading's fun.

I drink something hot when it rains. I don't know why, but I just do.

Lately, I've started watching movies and shows on rainy days. I've thought about it, and I've come to the conclusion that rainy days are the ideal time to watch things. You can't really choose to go outside, and you can just stay inside and watch something on your laptop. It works out well, and on sunny days, you can go outside and play!

Most importantly, I leave the window to my room open on rainy days regardless of what I'm doing. I like the smell of rain. You know how smells can remind you of something or someone? The rain reminds me of this one day, a long time ago. It was when I was in Delhi and it rained a lot. From what I remember, it rained up till my knees! Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if it actually happened or if it was a dream, but it was fun. I stood on top of the slide in the park and watched and played with my cousins. I like remembering this day/dream.

Rainy days are basically days when I can be completely lazy and not be criticized. It's great. I'm glad it rains.

1 comment:

  1. Your rainy day sounds like a normal day in your life. No one likes studying, you can watch movies on a regular day, read on a regular day. Maybe what you should do is try going outside on a rainy day and doing something in the rain.
