Tuesday 6 December 2011

#226: a secret

When you had the desire to run.

It's ironic, really. The one time I truly had the desire to run, and I was wearing heels. I hate formal shoes, and heels, even more. I had the desire, but I didn't give in to it, so the shoes ended up being not as troublesome. This experience is a very embarrassing one, and one that I have not told anyone, so the whole incident will be very... general and unspecific.

It was a thing at school where everyone was dressed up, hence the heels. The event was just some small thing where a lot of people came and did stuff. I went for it, and I actually had fun through the first half of the event. I sat and talked to people, and it was fun. That is, it was fun until some very smart person decided to do something so that other people would do something, and it was awkward. I didn't like doing the thing, so I sat.

That was the moment I had the urge to run. I sat there and this very, very sad thing happened (it was sad for me), and I just sat there. I really couldn't do anything. It wasn't anything bad, but I just wasn't fine with it, and I felt the urge to run. I wanted to run far, far away until the whole thing ended. I wanted to go back to my room and sit there and watch something funny for the rest of the night, but that would have been wimpy, and not so smart of me.

I looked at everything after that. Everything that was far from the place I was previously sitting at (I moved). I thought about it while I watched people, and I realized that I had to be prepared the next time it happened. I sat and thought. I knew that the next time the thing would happen would be at a specific time (I can't say when, because you'll probably be able to guess the whole thing), and that I would have to leave before that.
I kept looking at the time and I finally decided that it was time to go. I ran. I didn't exactly run, but I walked away, very normally, if I may so myself.

I felt relieved after I left, but a little part of me was still sad because I could do nothing to stop it. I had no power over the situation, and I'd decided to run. I don't know if I regret running or not, because I avoided the whole incident, but I also lost out on a chance to be stronger than my impulse.

I had the desire to run that night, and I finally ran. 


  1. I can totally understand that feeling you described. I think it's okay and probably good to sometimes feel like that.

