Monday 5 December 2011

#205: Second Grade

Describe how you met your best friend.

I met my best friend at the school gate. We were there before or after the new student orientation, I don't remember which. We were the only ones left. She was with her parents, and I was with my sister and a family friend. I still remember what she wore that day. It was really funny. She wore this purple t-shirt with a pocket on the side with Ariel (from the Little Mermaid) on it. She wore matching track-pants. She had really, really short hair (for a girl) which was completely different from mine since mine was really long then. I remember what I wore, but my best friend's description of my outfit would be a complete lie, so I'm not going to describe it. Since we were both Tibetans, the old people started talking to each other. I know the first thing I said to her. Actually, I don't. I've always found it hard to speak to strangers, and she was a stranger then. 

I then walked up back to dorms with my sister and a family friend who had come to drop me off. I had already unpacked (my sister did it for me, actually), and I sat on my bed as I watched my future best friend unpack with her father. I just watched them and replied to whatever questions her father asked me. She didn't say anything to me. It was dinner soon after they finished packing. Her father left soon after they had finished, and she was crying when I saw her again. I'm really no good at comforting people, but I did comfort her because I still felt bad for her and I was also the only person around. I sat with her as she cried on her bed, and I think I told her about how my parents hadn't come with me and that I'd had my sister (who studied here too) do everything for me. I think she felt better after that because her parents actually came. 

I think we really connected after that moment, because we stayed together ALL the time (along with this other Tibetan girl who was in a grade above us). I remember talking to her that night when I was homesick (but not crying, or not yet, at least). We talked about really dumb things (cartoons), and we still do.

It's hard to remember every single detail that happened that day, but I guess the important thing's that we became best friends then, and we've stayed best friends till now! =)


  1. This is a really sweet blog. Now that I think of it your best friend was wearing that purple shirt, and you were wearing shorts and a red shirt. I like how honest you are about your self, saying you aren't good at comforting people, but I like how you still try to do your best.

