Thursday 8 December 2011

#218: NO super power

What super power you would choose

Can we make up a super power? Because I would want the ability to create new things from the original/initial form an object was in. I don't even know if it's counted as a super power, but I'm going to stick to this one.

Let's start off with a piece of garbage. If I did have my super power, I could turn it into food when I'm hungry, or a jacket if I was cold! It'd be so cool, and since garbage can be converted, we can turn garbage into food during famines and droughts, feeding millions and getting rid of garbage! We could solve starvation all over the world with this super power, and everybody will be happy! (Maybe not the people working in the disposal-type industry, but this super power could create a whole new industry!)

This super power could save lives! For instance, if there was a person falling from the top of a building and there was a car or any other object below, we could turn it into the big blown up cushion-type things, and the person would just fall on the cushion and not die! We reduce accidents and cases of suicides (that take place like this).

I'd be using my super power to save millions, maybe billions of people all over the world. Lastly, I'd be able to use the super power for myself. If I'm stranded someplace and I have nothing to eat but sand, I could turn the sand into some edible thing and I won't die! I would be able to use it if I'm so tired that I can't get up to get myself something. I could just create out of an object close to me.

While writing all this, I realized that this super power is actually bad, rather than good. We'd be able to create money, and if we always had an endless supply of money, I'd be a gazillionaire, and it'd be unfair to all those other people working to earn a living. I'm sure the world economy would suffer because of my super power too, and we'd have a great majority of the population being unemployed soon. In the end, the super power does not lean towards altruism at all, and I believe super powers should be used for the good of many people.
I'd probably use the power just for myself and become an evil mastermind.

I don't really need the super power, now that I think of it, and I don't want to use or choose ANY super power if it's just going to lead to bad results. (All super powers ultimately do.)


  1. Achi, I love the way that you invented your own super power. It shows that you can think out of the box and like to have fun with the questions. I also think this piece shows the extremely kind and generous side of your personality when you write about using garbage to be turned into food in order to "solve starvation all over the world." That is ultimately what a personal essay is about, showing off the good qualities of yourself but in a creative and indirect manner. Not to mention that this response is extremely cute and funny and made me laugh! The twist at the end is also surprising, which is good because it changes the mood of the piece rather than carrying on with the same mood throughout. :)

  2. Modesty + Care for others + futuristic = Awesome college essay
    It was indeed nice to read about someone asking for a superpower that would help others and also realizing that superpowers can make someone too powerful also.

  3. I agree with Harshit. I really do think, though, that you could be as impartial as Batman can be, at the very least, if not Obi-Wan Kenobi, because of the way you ended the thought. Of course, we can never live in an ideal world, so good luck with that.
